Cucumbers for Vegeters cucumbers

54 recipes
Vitamin salad with radishes and cucumbers

Salads with radishes and cucumbers are good that with their simplicity they always turn out a little different. Catch another option - with dill and fragrant sesame oil. You can add a few seeds as desired.

Fresh salad with Beijing cabbage and radish

In the season of vegetables, I really want to have time to enjoy this variety of tastes. The easiest way is to prepare different salads daily. I propose to expand the assortment of familiar dishes and prepare a fresh salad with radish and Beijing cabbage.

Vinaigrette with lemon dressing

If you are not enough sour cucumbers, prepare a vinaigrette with a dressing of lemon juice. The ingredients can be added immediately to vegetables or knead the refueling separately. Here is already at your discretion, it turns out delicious in both versions!

Funchose salad, Korean carrots and cucumbers

Have you tried cooking funchose dishes? Since glass noodles have a neutral taste, it is often added to various salads. I advise you to cook noodles according to the instructions on the packaging, although in most cases it is enough just pour boiling water.


Did you notice that sometimes the vinaigrette on the table looks more beautiful and brighter? Each vegetable has its own color and even potatoes remain light. The secret is lurking in the sequence of adding oil. I tell a simple recipe for how to cook such a salad!

Vinaigrette with green peas and beans

I really love and often cook vegetable salads. They can be served to meat, fish or as the main dish for a snack. Today I am sharing the recipe for vinaigrette with peas and beans. If you have dry beans, soak it in advance and boil it in salted water.

Light vinaigrette with beans

For this vegetable salad you will need a standard set of products that are in every house. Even an inexperienced mistress can easily cope with the task. I share a simple recipe for my beloved vinaigrette with beans!

Green salad with cucumbers and purple onions

The simplest home recipe for every day, a festive table or picnic. The salad turns out to be very bright and beautiful, but is prepared literally in a few minutes - it is enough to cut the cucumbers, tomatoes and onions, and everything is ready!

Cucumbers and avocado salad with egg

This light salad is a real storehouse of vitamins on your table! An unusually useful and nutritious dish will be appreciated by people who care about their health. It will take no more than half an hour for cooking, and the recipe is so simple that even a child will cope with it.

Peking cabbage and fresh vegetables

When there are fresh vegetables at hand, preparing this delicious salad is very simple. Moreover, you can serve it to anything: for fish, meat, porridge, mashed potatoes or pasta. And if you are on a diet, a vegetable salad should be in your diet!

Vinaigrette with pickled mushrooms

Somehow I did not have enough salty cucumbers, and I tried to cook vinaigrette with pickled mushrooms. It turned out even tastier than usual. Since then I have often been preparing according to this recipe. I’m even preserving mushrooms for the winter specifically for this salad!

Salad with vegetables, olives and chickpeas

The vegetable salad can always be diversified by adding various ingredients to it. The chickpeas will make the salad more satisfying, as it contains protein and fiber. If the chickpeas is difficult to find, it can be replaced with boiled or canned beans.

Vinaigrette with green onions and garlic

A light salad of boiled vegetables can be prepared differently. Someone loves more salty or sharper, and someone likes just a classic recipe. I propose to try vinaigrette with green onions and garlic. It can be served with pasta, fish or meat.

Fast salad of cabbage, carrots and cucumber

For this recipe, you will need a grater for Korean carrots or a special tire. The whole secret is in the same thin cut of cabbage, carrots and cucumbers. The salad is very juicy, delicate and light.

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Vegeterian dishes from cucumbers - recipes with photos (step -by -step)

Is there at least someone in the world who knows nothing about dishes from cucumbers? And in our latitudes, this is generally the main vegetable that is found in any garden. In terms of prevalence with it, only potatoes or tomatoes can compete. It is believed that cucumbers spread from India in the world, so once it was a completely exotic product.

But already in the 10th century they were actively cultivated in Europe, and in Russia the history of growing began in Suzdali. Now the number of varieties, like the number of dishes from cucumbers, is simply impossible to count. Cucumbers are very watery, and this determines the specifics of their preparation. Most often, they are used fresh in salads and snacks, and also in blanks and conservation.

Pickled and saline vegetables with herbs, Dijon mustard and other spices are very good. They can even be added to soups, like a brine. They go well with cabbage, pepper, tomatoes and zucchini. In Asian countries there are also hot dishes from cucumbers. For example, they are added to funchosis with beef and soy sauce.